In this episode, Whitney Owens opens the show by explaining the importance of having grace and acceptance on your private practice journey. If you aren’t as productive as you want to be, learn from your mistakes and make better choices moving forward. Whitney also explains why she does a time study to determine where she spends most of her working hours and what she can improve on in the future. Plus, Whitney reveals why learning more about Enneagrams has taken her business to the next level, and we chat about using faith in private practice.
Meet Whitney Owens
I enjoy working with both adults and adolescents on an individual basis. I have experience working with those suffering from depression, anxiety, self-harming behaviors, identity formation, relational issues, and other mood disorders. I use a variety of therapeutic models such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy. I have been seeing clients since 2009 in a variety of settings. While earning my Master in Professional Counseling from Richmont Graduate University, I saw young adults at a residential treatment facility. In 2010 I moved to Colorado where I spent four years working at an inpatient and day treatment facility. Also while in Colorado, I joined a group practice and saw teenagers and adults.
In 2014 I moved back to Savannah and started Water’s Edge Counseling. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia and a member of the American Counseling Association and the Licensed Professional Counseling Association of Georgia. In addition to counseling, I also offer a number of other services including training and speaking engagements. I have been invited to local organizations such as churches and schools to educate on leadership, adolescent issues, parenting, family concerns, and mental health. As well, I have spoken at retreats focused on helping women heal and find themselves. I have also spoken at youth meetings to adolescents. Please let me know about your next event and how I can help.
Practice Grace And Acceptance
The most important thing is that private practice owners need to provide themselves is grace and acceptance. When a day doesn’t go the way you want it to, or maybe you don’t prioritize everything the way you would wish to, it’s best to learn from it. Always take a lesson from the mistakes that you make and make better choices moving forward. Never beat yourself up for something! Delegating has been huge for Whitney as she works on managing more and more in her personal life and professional life. She relies on her husband tremendously when she needs help around the house and their children.
Conduct A Time Study
A time study is significant because our time gets away from us, and we have no idea where we spend it. From a financial standpoint, it’s essential to know where your time is going. If you have a side hustle for your practice, think about where you spend your time and which one is bringing you more income. Also, think about where you can delegate more. If you’re spending too much time in one area and not getting enough money, consider having more delegation efforts. That way, you can focus your time on the area that will bring you the most income. Making a list will help you see where you can save time throughout the day.
Consider Joining A Mastermind Group
Do you want to grow a faith-based group practice? Whitney’s favorite thing about consulting is the group work that she gets to do with people. Specifically, she loves mastermind groups because you see these great connections come together in a small group of people working on their business. Whitney’s mastermind group is for people who have a faith-based practice. In the group, they talk about religion when appropriate, but they also work on their businesses. Luckily, Whitney and her group get to pray for each other and use their faith to help make business decisions together. If you want to learn more about Growing Your Faith-Based Practice with Faith in Practice Mastermind, check out the link: https://practiceofthepractice.lpages.co/faith-mastermind/.
Learn More About Enneagrams
When Whitney learned that the Enneagram Type 1 has a critical voice in their head at all times, she was confused. Whitney thought that everyone had a critical voice in their head. Also, Enneagram Type 1 carries anger around with them; they are angry at the world for being so messed up. These simple things spoke to Whitney. After digging into the Enneagram Type 1, Whitney understands herself so much better. Now Whitney uses it to understand other people and help other people know themselves. In fact, Whitney is planning an Enneagram Type 1 training for all of her staff next week. Overall, Whitney does it with all her clients, and she does it with everyone she consults; it really helps move treatment and businesses along. Learn more about Enneagrams by checking out Ian Cron’s work: https://ianmorgancron.com/.
Gordon Brewer 0:00 This is the practice of therapy podcast with Gordon Brewer, helping you to navigate your private practice journey. This is session number 178, the practice of therapy podcast. Hello, everyone. I'm Gordon Brewer, glad you've joined me. Hope you're having a good week weekend whenever you might be listening to this. Yeah, and so I'm so excited for you to get to hear from my good good dear friend, Whitney, oh, once again, Whitney and I get to know each other. Oh, I guess it's been two or three years now probably longer. But we were in a mastermind group together. In fact, we're in a mastermind group together now. And we're gonna be talking about in this particular episode, just a whole plethora of subjects from anywhere from starting a group practice to getting into consulting, and even a little bit there about the enneagram, which I know that Whitney is passionate about. And she's been really a person that's gotten me interested in that this past year. But one of the things about Whitney, I'll say before, before we get to her is that she, she has a podcast called faith and practice podcast. And one of the things about that that I want to share is that, and I've mentioned this a few times, but one of the things about me is I wear kind of two hats in a way or several hats, a lot of times, but I'm also a clergy person in the Episcopal Church, for those familiar with the Episcopal Church, it's really the Anglican or their Church of England here in the United States. But anyway, I'm a deacon in the Episcopal Church. So in the Episcopal Church, that's considered a clergy person. But anyway, I've had a lot of theological training and that sort of thing, in addition to my therapy training, and as I like to tell my clients as is that I, I've got that background, but I don't have a religious agenda, with my therapy or my counseling. But if those are ever things they want to talk about, I love talking about those things, and have a lot of fun talking about those things. But you're not going to hear that from me first. And the other thing I'd like to say about that is that regardless of your background, because I know that there are people out there that don't identify as Christian, or really don't identify as any religion, I just want to let you know that there are those of us that consider ourselves Christian that don't fall in to that category of evangelical Christians are conservative Christians, and Whitney's in that category, as well. And so I just want to clarify that because I know for some people, when we throw out the word religion or Christianity, that can be a turnoff for people, I don't, don't apologize for that. But at the same time, just want to clarify that there are many different paths when it comes to religion and, and ways of following what we believe. So anyway, just wanted to kind of put that out there. But the the other thing is, is that Whitney is in the mastermind group that I'm a part of right now. And so we're also going to be talking some In this episode, just about what it means to be a consultant and how she got into doing consulting and part of my journey with that as well. So, but anyway, we'll get to Whitney here in just a moment, and sorry for this long introduction. But before we get to Whitney, I would like to invite you to go over and check out our re a free resource that I've put together, along with my friend Dr. David Hall, and it's a webinar. It's an automated webinar called solo to group practice. And in this webinar, we teach people how to think about going into group practice, because going into group practice for a lot of folks is the next logical step in their private practice development. And there are some folks that just prefer to stay solo and that's, that's fine and good too. And one of the things about this webinar If you're thinking about it, or kind of sitting on the fence, this would be a great webinar to watch and listen to. With my friend, Dr. David Hall, we go through some of the pitfalls of private practice of owning a group practice. We also talk about some of the advantages and how it can create more income for your practice and for yourself. Also just talk about some of the lessons we've learned along the way, in this particular webinar. But anyway, I'd like to invite you to go check that out. Again, it's a free webinar, and it's an on demand webinar, in the sense that you schedule the time at which you want to watch it. And it's about 60 minutes long. So it's not a whole lot of time commitment. But if you'll go over to practice of therapy.com slash group, you can get access to that free webinar. And also just stick Be sure to stick around to the end because we've got some bonuses and some discounts that you can take advantage of with some of the other educational courses that we've got available. So be sure to check that out practice of therapy.com slash group. Also, I'd like for you to check out therapy notes therapy notes.com. They are the leading Electronic Health Record system. For private practice owners. In fact, they are the highest rated by several places for mental health providers in private practice. If you want to take the stress out of your practice or stress out of things that you're doing, you can use therapy notes for scheduling for filing insurance claims. They also have a telehealth portal, and also a patient portal that's second to none. It just will help you streamline and automate so much better in your practice. So be sure and check them out therapy notes.com. And be sure and use the promo code Gordon just g o r, d o n. And you can get two months of their services for free. So be sure and check them out therapy notes calm. And without further ado, here's my conversation with my dear friend Whitney. Oh wins. Hello everyone and welcome again to the podcast and absurd thrilled to have my dear dear friend, Whitney Owens back with me on the podcast. So Whitney, I think you're pushing, pushing the envelope for the number of appearances, or I don't guess its appearances on a podcast, but people know what I mean. So glad you're here. Whitney Owens 7:51 Gordon Brewer 7:53 Whitney Owens 8:16 Gordon Brewer 8:48 Whitney Owens 8:50 Gordon Brewer 9:44 Whitney Owens 10:37 Gordon Brewer 12:16 Whitney Owens 12:40 Unknown Speaker 13:07 Whitney Owens 13:08 Gordon Brewer 14:22 Whitney Owens 15:24 people that I admired. I said, Well, I want to get people admire together and talk about this stuff. And so we are the culmination, I think the quotas were the combination of the five people we spend the most time with. Right? And so we really need to surround ourselves with other high profile business owners, if you want to have a big business. That's so important. Gordon Brewer 16:14 Whitney Owens 17:34 Gordon Brewer 21:23 Unknown Speaker 23:06 Whitney Owens 23:07 Unknown Speaker 24:09 Whitney Owens 24:10 Gordon Brewer 25:26 Unknown Speaker 26:21 Whitney Owens 26:22 Gordon Brewer 28:09 Whitney Owens 29:37 Gordon Brewer 31:36 Whitney Owens 32:34 Gordon Brewer 33:03 Whitney Owens 33:40 Gordon Brewer 35:05 Whitney Owens 35:23 Gordon Brewer 36:01 as well, I hope you enjoyed listening to my conversation with Whitney is she you know, we've, we've developed quite a bond just over around consulting, and just what we're doing in our lives and just a lot of parallel paths there with, with what we're doing. And be sure and check out Whitney's Whitney stuff, you can get to that at practice of the practice.com. And also be sure and check out her podcast. For those of us that are, are faith based or we have a faith bent. It's a great podcast. And she's got some wonderful guests that she's had on there. And I know we sometimes do some swapping of guests. And so I've got a few on my list shortlist that I've got to get in touch with Whitney about seeing about getting on this podcast as well. But anyway, it's a it's a wonderful community that we've got in our mastermind group. And so again, thanks to Whitney for being on the podcast. Also, before you go, be sure and check out the solo to group practice webinar. And again, you can get to that at practice of therapy.com slash group. And I think you'll find it a helpful, helpful webinar regardless of which stage of practice you're in. Even if you're already have a group practice, I think we cover some things to think about and some and some options there. Because we just talk about some of the things that we've learned along the way. So be sure to check it out practice of therapy.com slash group. And also be sure to check out our sponsor therapy notes, therapy notes, calm. Again, they're the leading Electronic Health Record system, and one of the most highly rated electronic health record systems for mental health providers in private practice. And again, as I've said before, they're who I use in my practice, and I'm thoroughly impressed just across the board with that platform, and it has helped automate so much of our practice, and just making things easier to operate on the clinical, clinical side of things. So be sure to check them out therapy notes.com. And if you'll be sure and use the promo code Gordon, just g o r d o n, you can get two months of their services for free. So thanks, folks, again for joining me for this particular episode. It was a little bit longer one than usual, but that's okay. You can listen to it as much or as little as you want to as my mom always says, it is yours to do with as you wish but anyway, thanks for joining me, be sure and take time to subscribe to the podcast, wherever you might be listening to it. And also leave us a review. Click on the little stars there. And when you subscribe, you'll be sure to get all the updates coming up down the road and I've got lots of guests lined up for here in the future. So be sure and check it out and and subscribe. Take care folks, have a good rest of your week or weekend whenever you might be listening to this. You have been listening to the practice of therapy podcast with Gordon Brewer, please visit us at practice of therapy.com for more information, resources, and tools to help you in starting, building and growing your private practice, and if you haven't done so already, please sign up to receive the free private practice startup guide and practice of therapy.com. The information in this podcast is intended to be accurate and authoritative concerning the subject matter covered. It is given with the understanding that neither the host guests or producers are rendering legal accounting or clinical advice. If you need a professional, you should find the right person for them.
This episode is brought to you by the solo to group practice webinar. It's a free webinar that you can find at practice of therapy.com slash group, and also brought to you by therapy notes therapy notes.com.
Oh, always love coming on your show, Gordon?
Yes. And so Whitney has got a podcast herself the faith and practice podcast. And it's one of those that I listened to every week and we're gonna talk a little bit about that. And, and so Whitney, tell folks that maybe don't know you a little bit about you and your journey and how you've landed where you landed?
Yeah, well, thanks, Gordon. Wow, I always appreciate when anyone listens to my show, but much more. So when it's someone who has their own podcast and knows what the world is like. So thank you for taking the time to listen. Yeah, so I'm Whitney Owens. I live in Savannah, Georgia, which is the South I have the beach here right beside me, which is really nice. I have two children, ages eight and four. And then I also am married to a minister. His name is James Poland's. Yep. And he actually just got his ordination come through for the Methodist Church.
To James,
yes, yes, it's been a long road for us. So we're really happy about that. Yes, I have a group practice here in Savannah called watersedge. counseling. There are eight clinicians, I have been knocking on as many doors as possible to add number nine, but in the world we're living in it's so hard to find a therapist right now. And then I have a couple of admin stuff that helped with answering phones and marketing and things like that we are a cash pay practice. So it's a little unique about us. And then we also have a faith background with most of our therapists that can kind of bring that in when appropriate, but not something that we push on our clients by any means. And we do not overtly market ourselves as a faith based practice. And then along with all the work I do with the group practice, I also am a business consultant with practice the practice. And I have a special niche within faith based practices as well as helping people start group practices and then how to market cash pay practice.
Wow. Yeah. And so Whitney and I are, are have recently started a mastermind group together with two other folks and in this if you've been listening with about podcast for the last few weeks, you've gotten to hear from Uriah Guilford and Jessica tapana and worked with such a great little group. And we just have a great time talking about, you know, life balance stuff. And you know, what we're doing as consultants and in practice owners and all that sort of thing. And so Whitney, what? How are you? How do you manage all that you're managing? Because I think a lot of people would be really curious about that. You've got two little ones at home, you've got your church work, you've got your practice work, and then you're doing consulting. How do you do it?
Good question. I asked myself that every day. Yeah, you know, I mean, it's, it's not perfect, right? I think the most important thing is that we provide ourselves grace and acceptance, you know, and that when a day doesn't go the way I want it to, or maybe I don't prioritize the way I wish I had, like, we learn from it. And we make better choices moving forward, but not to beat ourselves up over it. Yeah. And so I think, for me, a big part has been delegating. You know, and not just in my practice, because we hear that all the time, but really, in my life, that I rely a lot on my husband, like, if I need help saying, Hey, honey, I need you to do this, that I can do this. I think a lot of us are scared, or at least I was scared for a time to say I need help, you know, but, but he's right there wanting to help and wanting to do things. And the same he, he comes to me, Hey, I need help with this thing. Can you take the kids to this or do this or make dinner, you know, I don't actually cook, he does all the cooking. So if he's asking me to cook, that's a big deal. But yeah, so I might be cooking or doing something for him. Um, so it kind of goes back and forth with that. And then just setting your life up with the people that you need, having really good friends having a support network at your church, you know, they really helped me with my child, one of my children has special needs. She's autistic, but my youngest one. And so we really need a lot of extra help with her and to having a Church Committee that really cares and has a great children's ministry has been helpful. And then also have a nanny that comes to us a few days a week, even more. So during all this COVID stuff. I mean, my oldest still is only half time in school. So we have to have some money with her when she's doing her virtual school because they can't do virtual school by themselves in second grade. Yeah,
yeah. Yeah. So it's a it's a lot, a lot to manage. And I know that's been kind of a theme this, that our last mastermind group, one of the things I know that you you you started is doing a time study and you want to make, maybe we can share a little bit about kind of the logic behind that and why somebody would want to do that.
I think a timeout is really important, because our right our time gets away with us. And we have no idea where we spend it, you know, I was just doing it. I'm doing it right now where I write down, okay, here's what I just did with this. Here's what I did with this. And of course, having my group practice and being a consultant, I kind of wear both hats. During the day, I'll go from a text with a consultant asking me something to see in a client in my group practice. So it's important that we kind of watch where we're spending our time with those. In fact, I was just checking both emails before we jumped on here.
So it's like, wait, that's the
practice of practice email. That's my group practice email and knowing the difference. And then also, just from a financial standpoint, saying, and this is for anyone who has a side hustle in a practice, like, Okay, well, where am I spending my time and which ones actually bringing me more income, which one brings more income with less time that I have to put into it? I mean, there's a lot of other things we need to think about, of course, but as far as the time audit part, that's another thing I'm trying to watch. And I'm also trying to watch the watching, which one is bringing me more income for the time that I'm putting into it. But also, what are the things I could delegate out more than what I'm delegating out now. And making this list really helps me to see okay, I could probably save an hour a day if I had someone else do this, that and the other. And I think it's really important that we look at that and think, Okay, well, with that hour, I could do another webinar, I could see another client and us really doing the things we love to do, instead of doing the things we don't love to do. Like, I don't love checking my email, sometimes I'm sending the same email over and over. We've talked about that. So I'd rather have somebody else do that for me so I can do the work that I love, which is consulting and counseling and, and meeting with my team and being a CEO instead of always putting out fires, you know,
right, right. Yeah, I think that's, that's one of the things that I think is so important for people to recognize as they grow their practices is that as therapists and and even consultants, the thing that we have our products, so to speak, and I'm using air quotes, as I say, this is our time and expertise. And so there's a there's a limit to the amount of time we can devote to any anything that we do. And so learning how to, like you said Whitney to delegate and to outsource the things that are not going to necessarily bring us a lot of income for the time that we would spend on them. It's much better to pay somebody else to do those things, rather than us spend our time on it, because it doesn't necessarily bring us any income. And so that's, that's one premise that I think, is important for people to learn as they, as they grow their practice.
Yeah. And I think it's helpful to do a time audit, even if it's once a year, some kind of regular time because it catches time gets away from us, you know, it's important that we go back and check those things. I also wanted to kind of say here, the importance of surrounding yourself with people that are like minded and really working towards goals. And that was part of the reason we started this mastermind group was I wanted to be around other people that were doing consulting and running businesses and managing their families so that they could challenge me to do better
Right? Right. Yeah. And I think to to is just as you, as you may, as you mentioned, is just learning how to draw on supports, which is, is something we tell our clients all the time. And I think a lot of times, we have to really be able to practice what we preach in terms of the support needed and being able to bounce ideas and really get to see see what we're doing through a different lens. Because a lot of times we we get stuck in kind of where we are and and it can and we get just the more stuck. You're the more stuck er, so I mean, that's an important piece. So I know, to Whitney and Whitney and I got together. I mean, we when I say got together, I mean we got introduced to each other and gotta get to know each other. Oh, gosh, it's been almost three years now there was an event that Joe Sanok had hosted called next level, living room, and I got to see Whitney kind of develop all of this in the background. But you want to talk about just kind of how you made the decision to kind of move into consulting and doing kind of a side hustle, so to speak.
Yes, thank you for allowing me to share the story. Yeah, so I had my group practice, and then ended up wanting to actually had a solo practice and wanted to have a group practice. And that's when I started working with Joe as a consultant, because I didn't know the first thing about hiring people to my business, and I didn't want to mess that up like you really want. If you're going to get some consulting, that's the time to get it when you're really adding people to your practice. So I did that worked with Joe for two years. And then I just kind of started having this little tug at my heart, I guess you could call it that said, hey, maybe you could be a consultant. And you could help people with faith based practices. Because honestly, that's kind of what I had been looking forward to consultant. And of course, Joe did a fantastic job consulting me. But there was this element of like the faith piece that I wanted to be a little bit more a part of the consulting. So things like paying my clinicians and how do I feel about where I'm putting my money ethically, but also within my faith? How do I feel about hiring people don't want have a faith based practice or not do a one only see Christians are not how do I market my practice to bring in my ideal client who has some kind of background, but not push away? People who don't have that there was so many questions coming up, that I was like, I wish I had someone that has these questions, too. And then as I've grown and did my own consulting, in my own work, I started figuring these things out and through working with people. So anyway, I got this little tug on my heart to do the consulting. And to tell you the truth, I didn't want to do it. I wanted to run as far away as I could, because you know what? It's like everyone, and their mother is out there becoming a consultant. And I was like, Oh, I don't want to do what everybody is doing. Uh huh. But to tell you the real truth beneath all that I was just scared that I wouldn't be successful. I was scared, I put myself out there, I'd be judged for having a faith and I wouldn't be experienced enough or people wouldn't want to work with me whatever the case is. And so I tried not to do it. And then I went to slow down school. And I just knew if I went to slow down school is going to end up becoming a consultant. Like I knew it in the back of my mind. But anyway, I went and I was on a hike. And a couple of other things happened. I had a dream and some other things. But while I'm on this hike, I so clearly had this impression in My Heart of Mary and Martha from the Bible with you know, Jesus and Mary's, the one that's washing his feet and Martha is the one really busy, right get preparing the house and getting everything ready and that line of Mary, Martha is busy with so many things. But Mary has focused on the most important thing. And I felt like that was like God speaking to me not audibly, just an impression. But Whitney, you were so focused on all these details about your practice. But the thing I really need you to do is become a faith based consultant. The thing, right. And so after that, I was like, Okay, I'm going to do this, I'm going to become a faith based consultant. And as soon as I kind of announced that I was going to do that Joe said, Oh, you should join me and practice the practice, like, we would love for you to be a part of this. And that was just a huge gift. Because honestly, my other fear was, how am I ever going to do a side gig, I don't have time to create a website and all the things that go into that. And so jumping on the practice, practice gave me an immediate leg up and him marketing me and a great team to be a part of. And now I have a podcast, which goes through practice, practice. So it's like that has been such a gift for me to be able to do what I'm passionate about. So that's kind of how it started. And God has blessed it. And I think every time we step out and what God wants us to do, we get closer to God, like, I feel so much better. And my faith as I've grown closer to him, as I've had to trust him through all this, and I've had the honor of seeing lots of practices grow and change, and people find their own dreams. And it's been neat to be a part of that.
Right. Right. Yeah, I love, love that story. And it was so great to feel honored to be kind of in the background when some of that was happening. For Whitney. And I think that's, you know, regardless of your faith background, or whatever, whether you're, you identify as Christian or even, you know, no really affiliation at all, any sort of religious thing, I think it's so important to be able to follow your passion and what you feel kind of led to follow because I think, when we do that, that really puts us in a place where we're really gonna open the doors for ourself. There was a, I've mentioned that Whitney and I have talked about Joseph Campbell before there, but there's a quote by Joseph Campbell that's just simply follow your bliss and when you do that, that will put you in a place where the world will open up to you in ways that you've never known before. And so regardless of your faith tradition or food regardless of how you practice that or not, I think that's so important for us to be able to to approach it in that way. It goes back goes back to what people hear from me all the time is no your know your why know your convictions behind things. And so I think that's that's so important. So, so yeah, so one of the things to just kind of Whitney and I have just kind of developed a lot of really cool stories just around private practice but one that I want you to tell Whitney is about the time that you met Mike mccalla Wits
Hi, yeah.
Oh my gosh. It's like there's some blessing and some sadness here at the end of it. Mike mccalla Wits I love his stuff and had read profit first. And I had also read clockwork I think it's in clockwork that he talks about the Savannah bananas actually, in both but he was using he was a fan of bananas. Okay. And the Savannah bananas if you don't know is like, it's not a minor league. It's like before minor league baseball team, college college kids that come here and play in the summer hoping that someone will recruit them to the minor leagues. It's a really silly baseball team. You should go check them out if you haven't anyway, so they were in the book and I thought to myself, I'm gonna go meet the owner of the bananas Jesse Cole because he's in the books that my grades and I'm gonna go talk to Jesse about Mike mccalla Wits because I need some Mike mccalla Wits fans in Savannah. So I show up at the game I've told my girlfriend's I'm gonna go talk to Jesse Cole. And then all of a sudden I'm like getting up to go talk to Jesse. They announced on the microphone that Mike mccalla Wits is at the game I just about fell over. I was like, Oh
my gosh, he's actually
here, right. And he went out on the field and did some game. They do all these games between innings and they had to blindfold them and he was on his hands and knees trying to get $100 bill in the crowd had to screen for which direction to go. Then right after that, of course, I followed him around. And I finally got to him. So he was here for the baseball game was the opening game of the season. But he also had profit first professionals, like 50 of them that were here for a conference and this was part of the conference was going to the game. So I got to talk to him for I don't know, 510 minutes, we took a selfie together. And he's just fantastic. And of course, tip here if you meet somebody in person and get their phone number, you never know when you're going to text them. So what two years later I texted him and said, I don't know if you remember me and I shot I took the picture and I sent it to him to remind him who I was. I host a podcast where you please come on. This was before the podcast started and he brought it definitely he was like On Episode 23, or something So, anyway, but I just have to say the sad part here is I went to another game A few weeks later and Donald Miller was there. Oh, wow, Donald Miller. And my little girl was screaming crazy. And my husband was there for a work of it. And so then Jesse Cole was like, you want to meet Donald Miller? And I was like, Yes, but my baby's crying and I have to leave so I never got to meet Donald Miller. So hopefully we'll come back. Yes, Anna bananas.
Oh, that's Yeah, I love those stories of just kind of you know, what, what is it Kevin Bacon six degrees from separation from anybody that's but Donald for those that don't know Donald Miller has a podcast called the story brand podcast. I think he changed the name of it now. But anyway, it's one of the best resources for marketing and understanding marketing and and Mike mccalla wits, his book profit first is one that always recommend to anybody that's going in, into private practice, and, and that sort of thing. So yeah, so Whitney, I love these stories. And I think there's a lot of different ways we could go here. But one of the things that I know you've got coming up are some trainings and opportunities for people to join mastermind groups, and that sort of thing you want to talk about that?
Would love to?
Yeah, so one of my favorite things about consulting is the group work that I get to do with people and specifically mastermind groups, because you see, these amazing connections come together in a small group of people who are really working on their business. So I run mastermind groups for people have a faith based practice. That doesn't mean they have to be overt about their faith. It just means we talk about it when appropriate. But we also work on our businesses, we work on marketing, finances, managing that, how much do you pay yourself, your employees or just different life balance, right, we talked about all those things. So I am launching another one of those in July, it'll start I think it's the seventh, we're going to meet every other Wednesday, July through December, so six month group. And just to kind of share one quick story, just to give you an idea of why I think the faith based component is so fun and great about it. Like one of the girls showed up to one of our groups and said, I don't know if I should close up shop or not. Because COVID was going on. And she was funding that maybe she could get more money by closing her business and taking finances from the government was offering her and things like that. And so it was a tough decision for her and her family. And, and I don't always do this, but I just said, Hey, everybody, let's really commit to praying for her some wisdom to know what to do. And so we all prayed for and we came back the next week, and she had gotten multiple new intake calls, you know, and that's exactly what she needed to keep moving forward. And it was just such a beautiful thing. When people ask each other not only how are you but like, how is your faith? You know, and how can we pray for you. And it's a really neat thing. So I am launching that. If you are interested in that you can go to practice the practice, comm backslash faith and practice mastermind. Or it might be faith mastermind, I'd have to go back and check, but it's one of those two, you can find it just by drop downs. But yeah,
yeah, we'll have links here in the show summary and show notes for all of that. So yeah, so the other thing about Whitney, that has really been an inspiration to me this past year. Particularly for again, just since we're on this theme of faith based I'm one of the things that I've had I share I share it some but haven't said a whole lot about it. But one of the things about me is I'm also a clergy person in the Episcopal Church. And so during Lent, which is the season between Ash Wednesday and Easter within the in most liturgical churches, most people know kind of ash wednesday because of Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday, which is what sets off lit. And that's why that whole thing is there. But don't get off too far of a tangent there. But anyway, one of the things that Whitney had, kind of inspired me to do was, was to look at the book called The road back to you. And it's about the enneagram and really kind of learning how to be the healthiest version of you. And I've just been blown away by that. And I've been using that not only with some clients and that sort of thing, but starting to use it with my, with my staff and that sort of thing. So, Whitney, you want to you want to do a little bit on the enneagram here.
I'll try to limit myself. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'll tell you a little maybe I'll tell you my backstory here. Um, I was sitting on the sofa with my husband. And he says, No, the inia Graham and I had heard of the enneagram before, but you know what everybody's talking about personality tests these days. I was like, whatever. I know, the Myers Briggs. I'm good, right? And he starts explaining to me what it is. enneagram type one is like, and one of the things he said was the enneagram type one has a critical voice in their head at all times, Tom, how the world could be better. And I was like, What? I thought that everybody had that voice. No, honey, that's just you know, it's like, oh my gosh, and I like spoke so clearly to me the other thing that was humorous about it, he said, and enneagram type one carries anger, they are angry at the world for being so messed up. And I was like, I am not an angry person, I'm angry. But the truth is, ones had their anger so well, they're really just angry all the time. And after he said that, to me, I started thinking about my anger. And I was like, I am angry, like, I feel it in my stomach all the time. So it was amazing how these simple things really spoke to me. And then I started doing my own work on the inia gram, and I know myself so much better than I ever knew myself before. Like, I can really dig into my strengths and let go of my weaknesses in a different kind of way. And so now I use it, understanding other people like and helping other people know themselves, and I use it with my staff, we're actually doing our enneagram training next week, my husband's gonna come in and train the whole staff and understanding how we interact with one another. And Donald Miller, he has some great podcast episodes to about the enneagram at work. And then I did some podcasts back in November, as well, a four part series on the enneagram. But it's Yeah, it's totally changed. I do it with all my clients. I do it with everyone I consult with, and it really helps move treatment and businesses along.
Yeah, yeah. And it's a it's amazing stuff. And for those of you that are, are know, the enneagram or have maybe curious about it, I'll share that I'm a two, type two with a three wings. So that's the helper and then the achiever. So that's it. So that's, um, yeah, and I think we're gonna probably have James Whitney on, at some point here in the future to just do another whole little series on the enneagram. Because it's fast. It's fascinating stuff. And it's just so much you can do with it, just around knowing how to interact with people. And really, as much as anything your own self growth and your own understanding of yourself. It's just been really helpful, helpful to me in that way of just really, even though I know a lot of stuff about the clinical side of, you know, people and psychotherapy, it's just another, another framework that I think is really important. So, yeah,
and I love that you mentioned that book, because I think the road back to you is a really good intro book if you don't know anything about the enneagram. But it's also a really great book, if you know a lot about the inia Graham. And then there's also the podcast typology. Both of those are by Ian cron. Really great resources on typology. He interviews, different enneagram numbers and enneagram experts. And so it's really fun to listen to an interview of someone that's like you and hear them talking. You're like that sounds just like me. Yeah,
yeah. Yeah, it really is. So well, Whitney, I know that there's so much more we could talk about, but I want to be respectful of your time. And yeah, and so tell folks how they can get in touch with you and fab questions, and particularly if they want to find out about the masterminds and all the other things that you're doing are even if you're thinking about having a faith based practice, or have a faith based practice, and you really want some help of knowing how to kind of structure that Whitney's Whitney would be a great go to for that, that type of thing. But tell folks how they can get in touch with you Whitney?
Yeah, yeah. All right. So if you want to shoot me an email, it's Whitney at practice the practice calm. And then if you're interested in the mastermind group, you can go to practice practice, comm backslash, faith mastermind, and there, you'll learn more about it and sign up right there I am doing a special deal of a discount in the month of May. So if you're interested in joining, go ahead and join now and secure your spot. If you are interested in getting on my email list, then you can go to practice prep, comm backslash faith and practice resources. Try to send out stuff that's only relevant to really help you with action steps on starting and growing a faith based practice. And if you go to that website, you can also get a free PDF on five pitfalls between churches and counselors so you can know how to better connect with churches. And then in addition, I do have two membership communities that I run with Alison pigeon, who's another consultant with practice practice. We have a membership community for people starting starting their own group practice. So if you're interested in starting a group practice and you want some help along the way, you can go to practice practice comm backslash group practice launch, that program is called group practice launch. And if you're a group practice member, and you're just looking for ways to connect with other group practice bosses, or you really just want to get some tools on Bay or group practice, boss, then you can go practice, practice. dot com backslash group practice boss and learn more about the membership community that we do there.
Awesome, awesome, man. We'll have links in the show notes in the show summary here for for all of that. So, yeah, so if you are to maybe leave a bit of wisdom for anybody within their private practice journey, what would you say that is?
Now maybe it's just because I'm sitting here with you, Gordon. But I would tell them to surround themselves with like minded people that are going to encourage and push them forward. And you know, what you were, we were telling, telling stories, I have one more story that came to mind. Like, I remember getting on the phone with you, you were one of the first people I said, Hey, I think I'm going to join Practice, practice and do faith based consulting. Actually, I think I might have called you before the practice practice part, just thinking about doing faith based? Yeah. Okay. I was thinking about doing faith based consulting and didn't know if that was a good niche, didn't know if it would work. And I called you and you were so encouraging. And so it's just really important that you have wise encouraging people in your lives really pushing forward.
Right, right. I couldn't agree more if even for adults, it takes a village. And I think that's a healthy way to, to do at all. So, Whitney, so good to have you again. And I'm sure you will be on here again. And you will be hearing more from Whitney Owens in the future
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Gordon is the person behind The Practice of Therapy Podcast & Blog. He is also President and Founder of Kingsport Counseling Associates, PLLC. He is a therapist, consultant, business mentor, trainer, and writer. PLEASE Subscribe to The Practice of Therapy Podcast wherever you listen to it. Follow us on Twitter @therapistlearn, and Pinterest, “Like” us on Facebook.